Analyze how paint dealers solve the current crisis in the industry



With the development of the coating industry, many dealers are faced with such confusion. What should they do next? In the case of depressed market, rising product costs, rising manpower and logistics, and increased painter rebates, the direct support of manufacturers alone cannot solve these problems faced by dealers. To get out of the predicament of the coating industry, in addition to relying on the support of the manufacturer, we should strengthen our management ability internally, have professional market operation methods externally, and use modern marketing management methods to open up the market.

With the development of the coating industry, many dealers are faced with such confusion. What should they do next? In the case of depressed market, rising product costs, rising manpower and logistics, and increased painter rebates, the direct support of manufacturers alone cannot solve these problems faced by dealers. To get out of the predicament of the coating industry, in addition to relying on the support of the manufacturer, we should strengthen our management ability internally, have professional market operation methods externally, and use modern marketing management methods to open up the market.

Team building ability

Now we pay attention to the era of team cooperation. Dealers can no longer rely on a heroic figure to support the development of the enterprise as before. In the past, every dealer would have such a figure, who always thought that if one or two large sales accounts were seized, the person would be special and enjoy many privileges. Now what we need is people with the ability to cooperate. Sales is not only the result of business efforts, but also the result of the full cooperation of internal service, warehouse, transportation and other departments.

The premise of team building is to first set up the organizational structure of the enterprise, set the responsibilities and obligations of each position according to the difference of each position, and arrange it to different positions according to the ability of each person and the work style of each person. There is cooperation between departments and between departments and between each position. After the process planning is completed, the enterprise can enter into a benign operation track.

Possession of product resources

Among the paint dealer resources, the biggest asset is the professional team that is familiar with the local market first, and then the brand represented by the dealer. According to the author's observation, the development of a dealer tends to grow along with the agent's brand. When you choose to represent an influential brand, the brands you represent have a certain reputation in the local market, so not only is the sales volume of products easier to rise, but also many brands will come to you and ask you to be an agent. The more famous brands the dealer represents, the more leverage he has in channel operation, and it is easy to get good trading conditions.

Capital turnover tolerance

With the homogenization of products and the intensification of market competition, it is difficult for dealers to achieve cash settlement no matter whether they are in traditional channels or modern store channels. Especially in the operation of hypermarket channels, the general contract accounting period takes 45 days - 60 days, and some even take 45 days after monthly settlement. Basically, it takes more than 70 days for the same amount of money to be returned to the company's account, and a certain amount of goods need to be prepared for the hypermarket as inventory turnover, plus nearly 60 days of sales and distribution. This is a very considerable investment. I remember once when I was with a famous paint brand agent, I talked about that they preferred to choose the manufacturer's direct marketing when choosing suppliers. Of course, the price was favorable, the manufacturer's relative strength was stronger than the dealer's, and there was strong capital to operate the nationwide stores. The third was that the supply of goods was guaranteed. Hundreds of stores nationwide were doing promotions, which was very large, and it was difficult for the dealer to control the production of the supply of goods. Yes, at present, dealers also need to pay attention to their financial strength to operate the market. Without financial strength, it is difficult to deepen the market.

Professional operation channel capability

With the evolution of market development, different channels have been set up in many fields to meet people's shopping needs, not the single traditional wholesale channel in the past. The channel refinement has a higher requirement on the channel operation ability of the dealers. Because each channel has different characteristics, and the products sold in different channels are also different. In this way, if the dealers want to expand the regional market, they must formulate different sales policies according to different channels and establish professional teams operating different channels to meet the increasingly detailed channel development requirements.

Good customer service maintenance ability

Sales is customer service, which is a good saying. A good customer service relationship can bring us many conveniences when operating the market, such as shelf display, promotion promotion, off-site on-site promotion site, replenishment, new product entry, etc. It can be seen that the importance of customer relationship. Good sales should start with good customer relationship.

Ability to provide sales services

To do traditional wholesale, we only need customers to make orders. As for how to display? There is little concern about how to display, how to sell and how to provide follow-up services. However, the new dealers cannot follow the traditional thinking to open up the market. We need to do more detailed sales services. Selling the goods is just the beginning of sales, far from the end. Only when the goods are really proved in the hands of customers can sales be completed. We need to do a good job in commodity distribution, commodity display, commodity sales and after-sales service.

Integrated marketing capability

The entry of goods into the channel meets the opportunity to meet consumers. If the goods are not promoted in the channel, it is also difficult to improve sales. A simple price reduction promotion may lead to a certain increase in sales, but it is difficult to maintain this sales momentum for a long time. When the promotion stops, sales will stop. This is the strange circle that many enterprises encounter in the operation of the market at present. If the goods are not promoted, they will not sell. Later, there will be no good sales.

We often say that the 4P in marketing is the product price channel place promotion promotion. These four elements constitute the 4P in marketing, and we often only use the price element in the 4P, and it hurts the bones every time. Why not use the other elements? Only the organic combination of each element in the 4P can exert its power, which is also what we often call the integrated marketing capability.

The development of the market is very fast. The dealers can complete the transformation step by step in such a short time and develop rapidly. The dealers have not mastered various marketing technologies, and most of the dealers have been supported by the manufacturer to achieve their scale today. Now, with the economic downturn and various inflationary pressures squeezing the profits of various industries, dealers need to effectively improve their capabilities to get out of the haze. It is hoped that this article can play a role in attracting attention and provide more different ideas for the development of dealers' friends.